As we enter 2018 in earnest, it’s important not to forget the lessons of last year. Examining 2017 trends gives us hints as to where people’s media consumption habits are heading in the future. In order to reach your target audience effectively, it’s important to understand the kinds of media that they’ll be spending most of their time on in 2018.
Topics: Media, Streaming Ads, Trending, Radio
Every business wants to do better this year than they did the last. As we enter 2018, it’s time to start thinking about putting yourself and your business in a position to do so.
Topics: Media, TV Production, Radio
The air of a car is usually filled with music and advertisements. But do people actually remember what they heard? You’d be surprised. As advertisers, this is a time when reaching the audience through ads is more important than ever; not getting your name out could be the end of your company. One of the most cost effective ways to get your message out is through radio. Nielsen did a study covering various forms of media and advertising and discovered that the reach of radio cannot be beat. Radio advertisements reach nearly 223 million adults listening weekly; that’s about 93% of all U.S. adults. When that many consumers are reached, messages are spread quickly.
Topics: Radio Production, Radio