What if I told you that the large gap currently between your traditional and digital marketing is forcing you to walk an unnecessary tight rope? These two marketing mediums should be right next to each other and even overlap — there should not be a tight rope.
Topics: Digital Marketing, Paid Search, Integrated Marketing
Right Idea Media and Creative is happy to announce that we are ranked #1 in the country of all participating Partner Agencies in the Google Partners Q4 'Creativity' Challenge.
Topics: Paid Search
It's a story we've heard time and again from our clients. "We used to do paid search with <Big Name Paid Search Company>, but we never got anything out of it. We'd get a report every month, and a call at contract renewal time but that's it. We never really knew what was going on, or saw much difference in our business"
We should probably thank our competitors for doing such a bad job, but we'd much prefer to see it done right the first time. In this post you'll learn the three key things you should look for when choosing an agency to help manage your paid search.
Topics: Digital Marketing, Paid Search
Top 4 Ways Working with An Agency Can Help Your Paid Search Marketing
Paid Search (AKA Search Engine Marketing) is one of those things that is easy to do, but hard to do well. Both Google and Bing have provided users with easy and intuitive tools. A functional paid search campaign can be set up and live in a matter of minutes. But, what's next? That simple, intuitive interface starts to look more and more daunting as time goes by. What do all these buttons do? Why do my ads keep getting disapproved? Why do I see hundreds of clicks to my website, but no noticeable uptick in business? How can I manage this and all the other aspects of my business at the same time? Is this just a waste of money? Setting up a paid search campaign is easy; making sure you're getting an optimal ROI is not.
Topics: Paid Search