What if I told you that the large gap currently between your traditional and digital marketing is forcing you to walk an unnecessary tight rope? These two marketing mediums should be right next to each other and even overlap — there should not be a tight rope.
In this digital age, a majority of audiences are reached through digital channels. However, traditional marketing, such as TV, radio, direct mailers, etc. are far from obsolete. In fact, a combination of traditional and digital marketing tactics, an integrated campaign, can create the perfect storm of opportunity for your business. Paid search and traditional marketing together can be your most effective marketing strategy.
Build awareness, then track it.
One of the best ways to build brand awareness is through traditional media. Your company name is on a billboard, radio ad, direct mailer, etc. and consumers begin to recognize your name and become interested. But awareness is just the first step. Consumers will see your name around town, on TV, hear it on the radio, then head to the internet to learn more. While traditional media can be more difficult to track results, digital marketing can be easily tracked. Tracking demonstrates what is working, effective, and good for business while giving consumers the information they’re seeking.
Multiple channels, multiple opportunities.
Traditional and digital media are the ultimate tag team. Depending on the target market and customer base, using both methods is the perfect opportunity to reach the largest market possible. By generating a campaign that features traditional advertising elements that are reinforced by digital elements — strong website, active social media accounts, etc. — you can reach consumers on their terms and create the opportunity for them to interact with your brand when, where, and to the extent they choose. Then, consumers become customers.
Consumer action.
Traditional marketing offers a call to action, many times it’s a phone number to call and learn more information. Consumers may take the bait of the phone number, but most likely will head to the internet, encountering digital elements with a call to action that is stronger, or speaks more directly to that consumer, than the original phone call suggestion. Digital ads can adapt to consumers to deliver the perfectly tailored message and simple calls to action, e.g., “click here to find the store nearest you!”
In short, traditional advertising catches consumers’ eyes, intrigues them, and digital advertising provides all the information they could want, converting browsing consumers to paying customers. Combining the strengths of both channels can provide unmatchable results for your business.
Other Sources:
- Image from Joe the Goat Farmer
- Why Integrated Marketing Communication is More Important Than Ever by Steve Olenski
- How Mixing Traditional and Digital Marketing Can Boost Your Holiday Sales by Peter Roesler