A growing number of Americans are turning to voice search to help them find all kinds of services. People already use this technology to seek health advice - it stands to reason that before long they’ll be using it to find a doctor. We’ve created the following list to help your health system prepare to make this technological leap and stay ahead of the curve.
Rennee Trinidad
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Topics: Online Presence, SEO, Healthcare
Facebook Zero: Major Update That Will Affect Your Business Page
Though you may have heard by now, Facebook is rolling out some serious changes in regards to what content appears on users’ news feeds in what has been labeled as Facebook Zero. If your business is dependent on social media advertising, it’s important to be aware of what’s changing and how it affects you. Here are the major effects that these changes may have on your business, and what you can do to put your business in the best position to succeed on this new online playing field.
Topics: Social Media, Facebook
Photo by Bablu bit
Topics: Social Media, Facebook, Social Media Marketing