Healthcare providers, have you adopted a digital marketing strategy yet? 80% of people are looking for healthier lifestyles, and 70% of hospital traffic comes from online searches (Source). If those stats aren’t enough, 156 million people are online right now and in need of health solutions. Digital marketing is not only changing the healthcare industry and the media landscape, but it's also changing consumers’ attitudes toward healthcare. Be there when they need you.
1 in 20 online searches are now health related. Source: Internal Google Data
How Technology Is Changing Healthcare
Around the world healthcare professionals have seen the way they do their jobs impacted by technology, including electronic healthcare records, CRM systems, or even the way patients are treated. Most importantly, we're seeing that digital is changing the way that consumers are thinking about their healthcare and where they are turning for answers to learn more.
This makes for an exciting time in healthcare marketing because there is an abundance of opportunity for you to connect and potentially influence prospective patients. At the same time, digital marketing is evolving rapidly. We suspect many healthcare marketing professionals already know that they need to be investing heavily in digital marketing. If you're questioning where to even start, you're not alone. That's what we want to help you with.
Identify Ways to Be Useful in the Patient's Online Journey
Years ago people simply took a doctor at his word, but today people have such immediate access to mounds of information that they attempt to research more themselves, too. In fact, health ranks in the top 5 concerns of Americans (Source). People look for validation and instant gratification. We know people are online throughout the day looking for all kinds of information. As healthcare providers, be sure to show them you are reputable, relatable, and reliable.
Health queries online alone have been growing 7% year over year, and most of this is conducted on a mobile device. You’ve heard us say before how you must fill the need and fill it quick, or the mobile searcher will move on to another website. Hospitals and healthcare providers need to take business where the customers are. While you can keep traditional print media in your plan, mobile needs to be a piece of any digital strategy. However, find the right balance based on your market. Mobile may need to hold more or less weight depending on the other digital tactics you plan to implement. Remember, the people are online. You will want to be there for them.
Patients Compare Notes Online
60% of patients like to compare and validate information they receive from doctors with their own online search.
Most of us might think about the obvious searches, such as “I need a doctor or emergency room near me”. People are also often looking up information on condition, treatments, symptoms, and local experts. 60% of patients like to compare and validate information they receive from doctors with their own online search. Plus, patients who book an appointment conduct three times as many searches.
Additionally, online searches are not the only way people find information. 79% of time online is actually spent outside of search, including websites and social media. The more times people see something the more likely they are to learn more about it or eventually call or walk through the door. Utilizing social media marketing and remarketing can be a great tool to be everywhere people are searching.
Demonstrate Through Video
Finally, have you delved much into creating videos? Today, anyone with a smartphone can film real life and brief interviews. However, consider hiring a videographer or media company for a professional look and something that will withstand the years. Aim for engaging and impactful, and you’re on your way to building your brand with consumers. People are looking to see who else has been there and how they've handled it. They don’t want to feel alone. Even something simple like a video about “how to calm a baby” can be a great addition to your online video portfolio.
Digital marketing may be changing consumers’ minds toward healthcare, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t grow with it. Take the opportunity to be seen and heard. Our team at Right Idea Media and Creative can show you how. Take a look at how we work with a local health system to refine their digital marketing tactics to better achieve their goals here .