Video marketing is not a new strategy in the marketing world. It is growing in use each year and it is important that your company puts its best foot forward when generating videos. Video production is not an easy process - it takes time, effort, and creative thoughts. However, when video content is put to good use, your company can reap great benefits from this tool.
There are many types of videos that your business can utilize in a video marketing strategy. Various factors will sway what type of video should be produced, as well as when and which platforms are most appropriate to publish it on (possible topic for another post). Once you have assessed your business and chosen the best video options, focus on your strengths and exhibit those throughout your videos. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:
1. Tell a story
This is probably something your business has heard hundreds of times, but it’s something that should truly be considered. A good story leaves consumers wanting more and encourages them to fulfill those wants. A good video marketing story encourages consumers to seek out your business and become customers. A story that sticks in consumers minds is what keeps your name ahead of competitors in the eyes of a consumer.
Remember: your video doesn’t have to appeal to all who view it. Target your audience; make an impression on your audience because they can relate to your ad and the message behind it; be authentic and credible in your message; and keep the story simple, because less is more.
2. Engage viewers
There's no arguing that video marketing engages more of the viewer's senses than typical print advertising. Retention is through the roof compared to other marketing methods. The viewer is hearing things that are supported by the visuals they are seeing. The more senses that are engaged, the better chance of brand recall. While capturing the viewers, at the same time demonstrate how or why your product or service solves their problem(s). Videos showing your product or service at work will be far more captivating than a video overview of the product.
3. Customers above everything
One of the most important perspectives, if not the only, to keep in mind is the customers’. Your product or service was not created for your business to have and to hold; it was created for customers to want and to purchase. What your customers desire is what your company should be doing or making. As much as your company is a big part of the whole process, pointing that out will get lost among all your competitors and their similar messages. As videos are produced, one thought should always be at the front of the line: how does my company communicate its understanding of, and solutions to, our customers’ problems and/or needs.
4. Spend time on the copy
The words behind a video are the directions and map needed to get the video from Point A to Point B. They guide the video in the necessary direction to get the desired message across. For the most part, formal scripts are the most common, but a list of important points to hit will also work.
This does not mean that every single video produced needs a set-in-stone script as unscripted pieces can be much more natural and authentic. However, even though a video is unscripted, your business should know exactly what you’d like the video to communicate. The main message should be determined, well thought-out, and have a solid plan to achieve it.
5. Quality over quantity
It’s easy to get caught up in the video creation process and do your best to keep up with the Joneses. If they can produce four videos a week, so can we! However, just because a competitor is producing many videos a week, doesn’t mean these videos are actually effective. Take time to fully develop an idea. Rushing through the creative process usually doesn’t pay off in the end. Producing one high-quality, effective, engaging video will take your company leaps and bounds further than a few poorly produced, non-engaging video.
6. Optimize your videos
There are many companies that have perfected the art of telling their story through video. They keep it simple while communicating a powerful message. In some cases. the lack of effectiveness lies in the issue that the right people aren’t viewing those videos. The key to success is to optimize your videos!
Utilize strong keywords for SEO and write complete, detailed meta descriptions. If possible transcribe your video for those that may not be able to listen to it. Videos appear in over half of all Google searches, so create content that pulls viewers in and sends them on their way to your website for more information and hopefully a purchase.
7. Create different types of videos
Your company must keep in mind the consumer journey and the fact that customers are in various parts of this journey. This is why it’s important to produce different types of videos. Your business should be targeting an audience, but the audience will be at different stages of purchasing.
Towards the beginning of the purchase process or the researching stage, consumers like to see short videos packed with lots of information. As consumers progress in their consumer journey, they like to see in-depth, longer how-to videos, product demos, and customer reviews. As they move even further, more personalized and/or technical videos about the uses of a particular product or service may be necessary. Finally, if and/or when the consumer has made a purchase, customer care & support videos and further exploration into the product or service are the icing on the cake.
In Conclusion
Video marketing is a tool that, if it’s used correctly, can aid your company beyond expectations. It should be at the top of every marketer’s to-do list. No other marketing tool can persuade, motivate, and fascinate viewers like videos can. However, videos lose effectiveness if constructed and conveyed sloppily.
My advice is if you’re going to invest time and other resources, may as well do a good job. Videos stick around and will continue to market for you company well beyond the initial post. Put forth quality videos and your company will see great return! If you have anything to add to the topic, we would love if you would chime in in the comments below.
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