“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it,” Peter Drucker. These are words to live by when dealing with an automotive media budget and marketing plan because evaluation is one of the most important aspects of advertising.
Your media budget includes, among other things, the funds allocated to print, broadcasting, digital, and other forms of advertising for a dealership — known as the marketing plan. Without the marketing plan, many dealerships would be out of business. A dealership with a large chunk of media budget to work with and no marketing plan could see the same fate as dealerships without a marketing plan all together — no business.
The process is simple: determine a marketing plan, evaluate that marketing plan, and make changes where needed, repeat constantly.
The first step in a marketing plan to to set objectives that you can measure your plan by. The only way to measure a plan’s effectiveness is to lay out certain markers you’re hoping to hit, goals along the way that your plan should be working towards. The marketing plan should be carefully developed based on objectives & benchmarks and the objectives should be S.M.A.R.T.
Once your objectives are set, it’s time to get into the meat of it.
Beyond setting objectives and benchmarks, examining the results of a marketing plan is possibly the most important element. Your dealership could be throwing money away if you’re laying out a media plan and ignoring the outcome. You have to find out what works, what doesn’t work, and what could use improvement. Some campaigns generate results as they are happening, some are not generated until after the campaign is completely done; either way, it’s important to gather those results and learn from them. Great ways to measure results are to look at:
All of these metrics, and more depending on certain objectives, targets, etc. should be examined at both a macro and micro level in order to decide what was truly effective for your dealership. This should include all areas of advertisement: radio, TV, email, Facebook, YouTube Twitter, Pandora, Hulu, direct mailer, billboards, etc.
As I’ve stated, a marketing plan is crucial to your dealership’s survival and success. Without advertisements and a plan to implement them, no one will choose your dealership over competitors. And the only way to get the best marketing plan in town is to evaluate the results of previous plans to find areas of improvement and increased profit opportunities. After all, “if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”
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Photo by Joe the Goat Farmer